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Advanced Search

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Next to the Quick Search is an Advanced button, this will take you to the advanced search layout where you can provide more specific criteria to locate Documents, Customers or Vehicles.

In the advanced search window, you can enter as much or as little information as required, along with some special techniques which are briefly explained below.

Character Example Result
* * Will find records matching Klive & Clive
==   ==smith Will find data where the contents are an exact match
= = Will find records where the field is empty
< or > <1000 Will find records where the field value is less than 1000
... 01/01/2015...01/01/2016 Will find records between the two dates
! ! Will find records where the field contents are the same / duplicates

You can also use the 'Add Criteria' feature to extend the search, allowing you to find records with multiple criteria for a field,  such as finding all records where the vehicle Make is "Ford"  OR "Vauxhall"

A few search examples:

1. You could search for all invoices issued between 01/01/2016 and 01/04/2016 by entering  01/01/2016 ... 01/04/2016 into the Issue Date field.

2. You could search for all documents created for customers with a Ford who live in Sussex, by entering Ford as the Vehicle Make and Sussex as the County

3. You could search for all records containing an MOT on a Ford OR Vauxhall and issued between 01/04/2015 and 01/04/2016 by entering:

  • Issue Date:  01/04/2015 ... 01/04/2016
  • MOT: Full
  • Make: Ford
  • Click Add Criteria
  • Issue Date:  01/04/2015 ... 01/04/2016
  • MOT: Full
  • Make: Vauxhall

The customer/vehicle screens also include an "Adv. Search" button, which uses the above search system and techniques, but instead of returning the results via the archives list, will return them to the appropriate customer/vehicle lists.

Important:  The advanced search performs its find via a document.

What that means is it will only find records for "Smith" if a document exists containing that within one of the relevant fields.  If no document exists, even if a customer record does, advanced search will not find it

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