Help and Information Centre - GA3


Restoring your data

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If you ever needed to restore a backup you can select Restore from Custom or Restore from Last Backup, to locate these first you would need to go to

1. Admin

2. Backup & Restore Menu

If you choose restore from last backup file, GA3 will import from the file named lastbackup.bak stored in your GABACKUP folder

If you choose to restore from custom, you will then be asked to select your backup file.

On both occasions you will be asked to enter the word 'import' in to the box to ensure this is the action you want to take.

Please take care, as each restore will update all records in your system with those currently stored in the backup file, for instance

If you issued invoice 100 then restored from an earlier backup, Invoice 100 would need to be issued again.

If in doubt first perform a custom backup to a location on your PC such as the desktop to ensure you can roll back if needed.

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