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Using your Email Account and Two-Step Authentication

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When setting up the email settings in Garage Assistant to use your own email server settings, if authentication fails with ( -13 greeting/authentication failed ) but you are sure the login credentials are accurate, you may have "two-step authentication" enabled on your email account, which is advisable, however, this will prevent you from using your normal credentials within Garage Assistant.

If this is the case, most providers will allow you to generate an "App password" for third party apps to be able to connect.   This is done via your email providers account area.

You will then need to use the newly generated password within Garage Assistant instead of your regular password.  This will then allow GA to authenticate with your mail provider.

The steps / terminology used for doing so will vary depending on the email provider.


The following guides / information should help you with this.

Gmail Accounts:

Microsoft / Outlook Accounts:

Yahoo Accounts:


If your provider is not listed above, search for either of the following and look for information about creating 3rd party app passwords.

"app password two-step authentication EmailProviderName"
"app password two-step verification EmailProviderName"

Replacing EmailProviderName with their name, such as Yahoo, Gmail etc.


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